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The Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI) is a network-based communications platform dedicated to food security and agricultural development.

Active project


SIANI operates in line with Agenda 2030, under the SIANI vision of “Ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture”. Our mission is to facilitate inclusive and engaging dialogues around SDG 2, with participation from academia, the private sector, public authorities and civil society.

SIANI generates impact by:

  • creating opportunities for evidence-based, gender-balanced dialogues
  • making knowledge available for informed decision-making in local, national and international arenas, and
  • facilitating cross-sector, multi-stakeholder, joint action.

SIANI is a diverse network of more than 2200 members represents a wide range of perspectives, ideas, insights and approaches. Since 2008, SIANI has become a facilitator of choice for anyone who works with and is interested in sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition, particularly in low-income countries.

SIANI supports, contributes to and promotes cutting edge knowledge within the scope of its vision, building on its network and its communication channels.

Connect with SIANI on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

SIANI: Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative

Graphic: SIANI.

Project team

Madeleine Fogde
Madeleine Fogde

Senior Project Manager

SEI Headquarters

Matthew Fielding
Matthew Fielding

Head of Project Communications and Impact Division


SEI Headquarters

Alice Tunfjord
Alice Tunfjord


SEI Headquarters

Ebba Engström
Ebba Engström

Research Associate

SEI Headquarters

Marta Anguera
Marta Anguera

Engagement Officer

SEI Headquarters

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