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Henrik Carlsen

Senior Research Fellow

Henrik Carlsen

Henrik Carlsen is a Senior Research Fellow at Stockholm Environment Institute Headquarters.

Since completing his Ph.D. in 1998 he has more than 20 years of experiences as a consultant (mainly internet security), analyst (mainly defense and security) and researcher (mainly on emerging technologies and environmental sciences).

Henrik Carlsen’s main research focus is on applying methodologies and approaches mainly from systems theory on problems in sustainability science.

Currently he is focusing on environmental sciences specialising in climate change impacts and adaptation. Another topic of interest is global agendas for sustainable development, especially the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Another field of specialisation is the development and execution of combined analytical and stakeholder-driven processes.

He is an experienced workshop leader and facilitator as well as an engaging lecturer and he is frequently engaged in communicating research results to the public as well as to policy-makers. He has been involved in a large number of international and EC-funded projects (e.g. FP7, H2020, JPI Climate).

He currently acts as co-director of the MISTRA Geopolitics research programme, a research programme focusing on the interplay between global environmental, geopolitics and emerging technologies.

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