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Good air quality is vital to human health, agriculture and functioning ecosystems, and air pollution can have a big impact on the climate. SEI carries out pioneering research on the impacts of, and solutions to, air pollution, from household up to global scale.


Projects and tools


More than 65% of the world's population are projected to live in cities by 2050, with major implications resource use, energy, water and sanitation, and health and well-being. At the same time urbanization can bring benefits, especially efficiency gains. SEI examines these challenges in the round to advance sustainable urbanization.

Food and agriculture

How can we meet the nutritional needs and expectations of a growing world population? And how do we do it without compromising long-term sustainability? SEI research explores the transition to sustainable food and agricultural systems.

Household energy

Around 2.4 billion people use biomass fuels – wood, charcoal and animal dung – for their domestic energy needs. These are typically burned in inefficient stoves or on open fires, with serious consequences for health and the environment. SEI identifies and designs actions to help households transition to cleaner technologies and energy sources.


Pollution from human activity threatens both human health and vital ecosystems. SEI looks at issues of air pollution from household up to global levels, for example how pollution links to climate mitigation, urbanization and public health, and the potential role of citizen science in pollution monitoring.

Short-lived climate pollutants

We assess the impacts of and work to reduce the levels of short-lived climate pollutants – such as soot, methane and ozone – in the atmosphere. These agents affect human health and contribute to global warming.


SEI identifies policies and solutions that can support shifts toward clean and efficient transportation systems – which are vital to protect the climate and human health, and for sustainable cities.

Design and development by Soapbox.