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Ethical practice and peer review

SEI’s guidelines on ethical practice set the principles of ethical conduct to ensure the highest possible quality and integrity in our work. The SEI Global Research Committee ethics subcommittee supports project leaders and owners through our ethical review process in their responsibility to identify ethical concerns in planned projects and how these may be avoided or mitigated.

We have put in place practical mechanisms designed to ensure that our ethical guidance is backed by action. The process is embedded in our project model and measures include an ethics screening and ethics plan. We have a subcommittee on research ethics and a plan for coordinated learning and reflection on ethical practice in our work managed by the Global Research Committee.

All SEI-branded publications undergo a formal peer review process managed centrally by a peer review team. The critical review of scholarly work by experts in the field is common in all academic disciplines. SEI adopted this norm to improve the quality and clarity of our work, ensure that the methods used are appropriate and are clearly described and to make certain that any conclusion and policy recommendations put forth in our publications are justified based on the evidence presented. Our peer review process also vets the novelty of each publication and ensures that it adheres to SEI’s new guidelines for ethical research.


Åsa Persson
Åsa Persson

Research Director and Deputy Director

SEI Headquarters

Profile picture of Rob Bailis
Rob Bailis

Senior Scientist


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